UN chief calls security council's failure on Aleppo 'our generation's shame'
Humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien launches blistering attack on UN security council, and Russia in particular, for failing to stop the mass killing of civilians
In another impassioned plea to the United Nations Security Council urging action to stop the bloodshed in war-ravaged Syria, the top UN humanitarian official stressed that since his last briefing to the body (on 29 September), 400 more Syrians had been killed and close to 2,000 injured in eastern Aleppo.“These are people just like you and me – not sitting around a table in New York but forced into desperate, pitiless suffering, their future wiped out […] peoples’ lives destroyed and Syria itself destroyed,” the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, told the 15-member body today.
Mr. O’Brien further called on the members of the primary UN organ for maintenance of international peace and security to “[do] the right thing to stop the draining of the blood of Syrians.”
Reiterating the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Aleppo, which is besieged by the Syrian Government, has had no UN assistance in nearly four months and faces regular bombing by Syrian and Russian forces, he stressed that the tactics employed on the city are as obvious as they are unconscionable: “Make life intolerable; make death likely. Push people from starvation to despair to surrender. Push people to leave on green buses.”
Further illustrating the terror that the civilians in the city face, the UN official pointed to leaflets, dropped from Syrian and Russian aircrafts, that read – “This is your last hope […] Save yourselves. If you do not leave these areas urgently, you will be annihilated.”
“And it is clear that the aircraft which drop the bombs, the generals who give the orders and the politicians who have designed the strategy intend to make good on that horrific promise,” he added.
Also in his is briefing, Mr. O’Brien, also the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs told the Council that on 30 September, the UN Secretary-General established an internal and independent Board of Inquiry to look into the attack targeting a UN-Syrian Arab Red Crescent relief operation to on 19 September.
He added that restrictions by the parties to the conflict continue to prevent effective aid delivery. Notably eastern Aleppo and parts of rural Damascus where the locations where access was denied.
Further reporting that removal of life-saving medicines and medical supplies, such as surgical kits, midwifery kits, and emergency kits, by Syrian authorities continued unabated, the UN humanitarian chief stressed that such restrictions were not only violations of international law and Security Council resolutions, they were also deliberately and cynically designed to inflict suffering on civilians living in besieged and hard-to-reach locations.
Also in his briefing, Mr. O’Brien informed the council of the plight of the children – nearly eight million of whom have lost their parents, their homes, their schools – who have suffered immense emotional and physical traumas.
Urging the Security Council to take action to put a halt to the violence, he said: “It is within your power to do it. If you don’t take action, there will be no Syrian peoples or Syria to save – that will be this Council’s legacy, our generation’s shame.”
“It is in your hands today to take the right path, and avert this looming irreversible tragedy of our time,” he concluded.
UN chief calls security council's failure on Aleppo 'our generation's shame'
Humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien launches blistering attack on UN security council, and Russia in particular, for failing to stop the mass killing of civilians
In another impassioned plea to the United Nations Security Council urging action to stop the bloodshed in war-ravaged Syria, the top UN humanitarian official stressed that since his last briefing to the body (on 29 September), 400 more Syrians had been killed and close to 2,000 injured in eastern Aleppo.“These are people just like you and me – not sitting around a table in New York but forced into desperate, pitiless suffering, their future wiped out […] peoples’ lives destroyed and Syria itself destroyed,” the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, told the 15-member body today.
Mr. O’Brien further called on the members of the primary UN organ for maintenance of international peace and security to “[do] the right thing to stop the draining of the blood of Syrians.”
Reiterating the humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Aleppo, which is besieged by the Syrian Government, has had no UN assistance in nearly four months and faces regular bombing by Syrian and Russian forces, he stressed that the tactics employed on the city are as obvious as they are unconscionable: “Make life intolerable; make death likely. Push people from starvation to despair to surrender. Push people to leave on green buses.”
Further illustrating the terror that the civilians in the city face, the UN official pointed to leaflets, dropped from Syrian and Russian aircrafts, that read – “This is your last hope […] Save yourselves. If you do not leave these areas urgently, you will be annihilated.”
“And it is clear that the aircraft which drop the bombs, the generals who give the orders and the politicians who have designed the strategy intend to make good on that horrific promise,” he added.
Also in his is briefing, Mr. O’Brien, also the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs told the Council that on 30 September, the UN Secretary-General established an internal and independent Board of Inquiry to look into the attack targeting a UN-Syrian Arab Red Crescent relief operation to on 19 September.
He added that restrictions by the parties to the conflict continue to prevent effective aid delivery. Notably eastern Aleppo and parts of rural Damascus where the locations where access was denied.
Further reporting that removal of life-saving medicines and medical supplies, such as surgical kits, midwifery kits, and emergency kits, by Syrian authorities continued unabated, the UN humanitarian chief stressed that such restrictions were not only violations of international law and Security Council resolutions, they were also deliberately and cynically designed to inflict suffering on civilians living in besieged and hard-to-reach locations.
Also in his briefing, Mr. O’Brien informed the council of the plight of the children – nearly eight million of whom have lost their parents, their homes, their schools – who have suffered immense emotional and physical traumas.
Urging the Security Council to take action to put a halt to the violence, he said: “It is within your power to do it. If you don’t take action, there will be no Syrian peoples or Syria to save – that will be this Council’s legacy, our generation’s shame.”
“It is in your hands today to take the right path, and avert this looming irreversible tragedy of our time,” he concluded.
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How did the Russians respond?
Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin reacted by denouncing O’Brien’s vivid account of the humanitarian toll in the besieged city as “unfair and dishonest”. In one of the most pointed attacks against a top UN official by a permanent council member in recent times, he told O’Brien to leave his comments “for the novel you’re going to write some day”.
(Source: The Guardian)
Schluss mit dem Massenmord in Aleppo!
Ungeheuerliches geschieht in Syrien.
Für seinen Traum von neuer imperialer Größe überzieht Präsident Putin die Stadt Aleppo mit einem mörderischen Bombenkrieg. Ganze Stadtteile liegen in Schutt und Asche, gezielt werden Krankenhäuser und Schulen bombardiert und die Lebensadern der Stadt blockiert. Für Putin und den Schlächter Assad sind Hunderttausende von Menschen, die noch im Ostteil Aleppos leben – Frauen, Kinder, Alte, Schwerverletzte und auch Rebellen, die einmal friedlich für mehr Freiheit und Demokratie in Syrien demonstrierten – nichts als Terroristen und Isis-Kämpfer. Ganz offen werden sie jetzt mit „Vernichtung“ bedroht, falls sie sich nicht fügen und die Stadt verlassen.Die Welt schaut entsetzt und tatenlos zu.
Friedensfreunde aller Fraktionen, wo bleibt ihr? Warum redet ihr nicht von Putins Schande? Wo ist die Linke, die den Pazifismus wie eine Monstranz vor sich herträgt und jeden Kriegseinsatz der NATO scharf verurteilt? Wie erträgt die AfD, die inzwischen ihr Herz für den „großen Führer“ Putin entdeckt hat, ihre Blindheit? Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit bleiben Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, auch wenn sie von russischer Seite begangen werden. Putins Vernichtungskrieg gegen Aleppo ist „lupenreiner“ Massenmord!
Bürger Europas! Tragt eure Empörung vor die russischen Botschaften, bevor Aleppo endgültig dem Erdboden gleichgemacht ist.
Kundgebung: Schluss mit dem Massenmord in Aleppo!
Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2016, 13 Uhr, Russische Botschaft, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlin
أوقفوا المجازر في حلب!ما يحدث في سوريا مريع.من أجل أحلامه ببعث إمبراطورية جديدة يشن الرئيس الروسي بوتين حرب إبادة على مدينة حلب. لقد دُمرت أحياء كاملة في المدينة وتحولت ركاماً، كما يتم قصف المستشفيات والمدارس عن قصد ويتم قطع أوصال المدينة لمحاصرتها. يَعتبر بوتين والسفاح الأسد مئات الآلاف من البشر القاطنين في شرق حلب مجرد إرهابيين ومقاتلي داعش – علماً أن بينهم نساء وأطفالاً ومسنين وجرحى وأيضاً ثواراً كانوا في يوم ما يتظاهرون بشكل سلمي من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية في سوريا. يهدد كل هؤلاء بالـ"إبادة" صراحةً إن لم يرضخوا ويغادروا المدينة.العالم يتفرج بذعر، مكتوف اليدين. يا أصدقاء السلام من مختلف الاتجاهات، أين أنتم؟ لماذا لا تتحدثون عن عار بوتين؟ أين اليسار الذي طالما دعى للسلام وأدان كل مهمة عسكرية يقوم بها حلف الناتو؟ وكيف يبرر حزب "البديل لألمانيا" تجاهله، وهو يعبر عن إعجابه بـ"الزعيم الكبير" بوتين؟ الجرائم ضد الإنسانية تبقى جرائم ضد الإنسانية، حتى لو ارتكبتها روسيا. حرب الإبادة التي يشنها بوتين ضد حلب ليست إلا قتلاَ جماعياً!يا مواطني أوروبا! عبروا عن استنكاركم أمام السفارات الروسية قبل أن تُسوَّى حلب بالأرض كلياً.وقفة احتجاجية ضد القتل الجماعي في حلبالأربعاء، 7 ديسمبر 2016، الساعة
واحدة ظهراً أمام السفارة الروسية في برلين
Stop the Mass Killing in Aleppo!
The horror continues in Syria.
To fulfill his dream of imperial greatness, President Putin has unleashed a murderous, all-out assault on the city of Aleppo. Having already razed entire districts to the ground, hospitals and schools are being deliberately targeted and the city’s lifelines destroyed. For Putin and Assad the Butcher, the hundreds of thousands of people still living in the eastern part of Aleppo – women, children, older people and rebels, some badly wounded – human beings who demonstrated peacefully for freedom and democracy in Syria, are nothing more than terrorists and ISIS militants. Now they are being openly threatened with »extermination« if they refuse to leave the city.
The world stands on the sidelines, watches in horror – and does nothing. All the politicians who campaigned for peace, where are you now? Why are you silent on Putin’s shameful actions? Where are all the left-wing parties now, who advocated passionately for pacifism, holding it up for all to see like a monstrance, and who severely condemned every NATO military intervention? How can the AfD, recently avowed admirers of »Great Leader« Putin, continue to look the other way? Crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity – even when perpetrated by the Russian government. Putin’s war of annihilation in Aleppo is outright mass murder!
Citizens of Europe! Before what is left of Aleppo is completely razed to the ground, show your outrage by joining us outside the Russian Embassy in Berlin, or by demonstrating outside the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your city of residence
Public Protest: Stop the Mass Killing in Aleppo!
Wednesday, 7 December 2016, 13:00, Russian Embassy, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlin
Halte au massacre d'Alep!
Pour assouvir son rêve de grandeur impériale, le président Poutine a lancé un assaut meurtrier sur la ville d'Alep. Des quartiers entiers ont été rasés, des hôpitaux et des écoles sont délibérément visés et les artères de la ville sont détruites. Pour Poutine et Assad le boucher, les centaines de milliers de personnes vivant encore dans la partie est de la ville : femmes, enfants, personnes âgées et rebelles, parmi lesquels des blessés graves, tous les manifestants pacifiques pour la démocratie et la liberté en Syrie, ne sont rien que des terroristes et militants de l'état islamique à leurs yeux. Aujourd'hui ils sont menacés "d'extermination" s'ils refusent de quitter la ville.Le monde entier se tient sur la touche, observe avec horreur - et ne fait rien. Aux politiciens qui ont fait des campagnes pour la paix, où êtes vous aujourd'hui? Pourquoi gardez-vous le silence sur les crimes éhontés de Poutine? Où sont les partis de gauche qui ont prôné le pacifisme avec passion, l'érigeant comme un ostensoir, et qui ont condamné chaque intervention militaire de l'OTAN? Comment l'AfD, désormais en admiration devant "le grand dirigeant" Poutine, peut continuer de détourner le regard? Les crimes contre l'humanité restent des crimes contre l'humanité, même lorsqu'ils sont commis par le gouvernement Russe. La guerre d'annihilation de Pourine à Alep est un massacre de masse!
Citoyens d'Europe! Avant que ce qui reste d'Alep ne soit entièrement rasé, montrez votre indignation en nous rejoignant devant l'ambassade de Russie de Berlin, ou en manifestant devant l'ambassade Russe ou le consulat de votre ville de résidence.
Manifestation publique: Halte au massacre d'Alep!
Mercredi 7 Decembre 2016, 13:00, Ambassade de Russie, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlin
Прекратить массовое убийство в Алеппо!
В Сирии творится чудовищное преступление.
Ради осуществления своей мечты о новом имперском господстве президент Путин подвергает город Алеппо массовым бомбардировкам. Целые кварталы превращены в пепелище, бомбы целенаправленно сбрасываются на больницы и школы, на магистрали, обеспечивающие жизнь города. В глазах Путина и палача Ассада сотни тысяч людей, до сих пор живущие в восточной части Алеппо, ─ женщины, дети, старики, тяжелораненые и повстанцы, когда-то вышедшие на мирные демонстрации за свободу и демократию в Сирии, ─представляют собой террористов и боевиков ИГИЛ. Сейчас им открыто угрожают «уничтожением», если они не подчинятся и не покинут город.
Мир с ужасом следит за происходящим, ничего не предпринимая. Где вы, сторонники мира от всех политических партий? Почему молчите о позорных действиях Путина?
Где Левая партия, die Linke, несущая перед собой, как святыню, лозунги пацифизма и резко критикующаялюбую военную операцию НАТО? Как мирится со своей слепотой Альтернатива для Германии, AfD, успевшая полюбить «великого вождя» Путина? Преступления против человечности остаются преступлениями против человечности, в том числе если их совершает российская сторона. Объявленная Путиным война на уничтожениеАлеппо есть не что иное, как массовое убийство!
Граждане Европы! Придите к российским посольствам для выражения своего возмущения, прежде чем Алеппо исчезнет с лица земли.
Демонстрация под лозунгом: Прекратить массовое убийство в Алеппо!
В среду, 7 декабря 2016 года, 13.00, Посольство России, Унтер ден Линден 63-65, 10017 Берлин.
Basta! Basta con la aniquilación de la gente en Aleppo, con el asesinato en masa!
Acontecimientos inimaginables y terribles tienen lugar en Siria.
Para cumplir con su sueño de nueva importancia imperial, el presidente Putin llena la ciudad de Aleppo con un bombardeo infernal y cotidiano. Barrios enteros están reducidos a escombros y hasta hospitales y escuelas son atacados conscientemente, todas las arterias vitales de la ciudad están bloqueadas. Para Putin y el carnicero Assad cientos de miles de personas que todavía sobreviven en la parte este de Aleppo –mujeres, niños, viejos, mutilados, heridos y también rebeldes, que hace un tiempo lucharon para más libertad y democracia en Siria – no son nada más que terroristas y guerrilleros. Abiertamente se les amenza con la “aniquilación”, si no se rinden y abandonan la ciudad.
El mundo observa todo esto con consternación y sin hacer nada. Amigos de la paz de todas las banderas, dónde estaís? Porqué no estaís hablando de la vergüenza de Putin? Dónde queda la protesta de la izquierda, que suelle llevar el pacifismo como si fuera un custodia delante suyo y critíca severamente cada actuación de la OTAN en territorios bélicos? Cómo sobrelleva la AfD, que entre tanto ha descubierto su empatía por el “gran leader” Putín, esta ceguera incomprensible? Crímenes contra la humanidad quedan siempre crímines contra la humanidad, también si son cometidos por parte rusa. La guerra de exterminación contra Aleppo es simple- y llanamento un asesinato en masa.
Ciudadones de Europa! Llevád vuestra indignación delante de las Embajadas de Rusia, antes de que Aleppo quede reducida a puras cenizas, a la nada.
Manifestación: Basta con el asesinato en masa en Aleppo! Cerrado miércoles, 7 de diciembre de, 2016, 13:00 Embajada de Rusia, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlín
This appeal is signed by:
Gémino H. Abad (Philippines)
Omar Akbar (Germany)
Dietlind Antretter (Austria/ Switzerland)
Anne Applebaum (USA/ Poland)
Chloe Aridjis (USA)
Isabelle Azoulay (Germany)
Fadhil al-Azzawi (Iraq/ Germany)
Lascha Bakradse (Georgia)
Jürgen Banscherus (Germany)
Andrés Barba (Spain)
María Cecilia Barbetta (Argentinia/ Germany)
Priya Basil (UK / Germany)
Stefania Battistella (Italy)
Azouz Begag (France)
Yahia Belaskri (Algeria)
Gaston Bellemare (Canada)
Pamela Biermann (Germany)
Wolf Bierman (Germany)
Manfred Bissinger (Germany)
Marianne Birthler (Germany)
Marica Bodrožić (Germany)
Mirko Bonné (Germany)
Anneke Brassinga (Netherlands)
Hans Christoph Buch (Germany)
Mircea Cartarescu (Romania)
Patrizia Cavalli (Italy)
Patrick Chamoiseau (France)
Amir Hassan Cheheltan (Iran)
Detlev Claussen (Germany)
Joshua Cohen (USA)
Dany Cohn-Bendit (France/ Germany)
Beppe Costa (Italy)
Friedrich Christian Delius (Germany)
Lidija Dimkovska (Macedonia)
Adriaan van Dis (Netherlands)
Jörn Donner (Finland/ Sweden)
Thea Dorn (Germany)
György Dragomán (Hungary)
Tanja Dückers (Germany)
Regina Dyck (Germany)
Reimer Boy Eilers (Germany)
Mathias Énard (France)
Fahimeh Farsaie (Iran/ Germany)
Emad Fouad (Egypt)
Maria Frisé (Germany)
Jan Groh (Germany)
Ulrike Guérot (Germany)
Christoph Hein (Germany)
Finn-Ole Heinrich (Germany)
Sverre Henmo (Norway)
Wolfgang Hermann (Austria)
Ava Herterich (Germany)
Frank Herterich (Germany)
Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit (Germany)
Edward Hirsch (USA)
Ala Hlehel (Israel)
Isabell Hoffmann (Germany)
David Howard (New Zealand)
Stanka Hrastelj (Slovenia)
Iman Humaydan (Lebanon/ France)
Elfriede Jelinek (Austria)
Louis Jensen (Denmark)
Ha Jin (China/ USA)
Gail Jones (Australia)
Peter Stephan Jungk (Austria/ France)
Manju Kapur (India)
Sema Kaygusuz (Turkey)
Yasmina Khadra (Algeria/ France)
Norman Klein (Germany)
Reinhard Kleist (Germany)
Sibylle Knauss (Germany)
Laszlo Kornitzer (Hungary/ Germany)
Hasso Krull (Estonia)
Olaf Kühl (Germany)
Andrej Kurkov (Ukraine)
Thomas Lehr (Germany)
Jürgen Lodemann, Germany
Dea Loher (Germany)
Liv Lundberg (Norway)
Andrea Lundgren (Sweden)
Ian McEwan (UK)
Eva Menasse (Austria/ Germany)
Horst Mergener (Germany)
Harry Merkle (Germany)
Amanda Michalopoulou (Greece)
Hala Mohammad (Syria/ France)
Reinhard Mohr (Germany)
Herta Müller (Romania/ Germany)
Birgit Müller-Wieland (Germany)
Kiran Nagarkar (India)
Mustafa Nayyem (Ukraine)
Bahman Nirumand (Iran/ Germany)
Bernard Noël (France)
Michael Naumann (Germany)
Martin Pollack (Austria)
Gerd Poppe (Germany)
Katharina Raabe (Germany)
Ahmed Rashid (Pakistan/ UK)
Eva Reich (Germany)
Jens Reich (Germany)
Michael Rohrwasser (Austria)
Göran Rosenberg (Sweden)
Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland)
Hans Rupprecht (Switzerland)
Hazem Saghieh (UK)
Boualem Sansal (Algeria)
Joachim Sartorius (Germany)
Rati Saxena (India)
Karl Schlögel (Germany)
Volker Schlöndorff (Germany)
Peter Schneider (Germany)
Ulrich Schreiber (Germany)
Christa Schuenke (Germany)
Hermann Schulz (Germany)
Werner Schulz (Germany)
Hannes Schwenger (Germany)
Taye Selasi (USA/ Germany)
Isabell Serauky (Germany)
Owen Sheers (UK)
Mikhael Shishkin (Russia/ Switzerland)
Rajvinder Singh (India/ Germany)
Ostap Slyvynsky (Ukraine)
Tilman Spengler (Germany)
Kanta T. Stanchina (UK)
Stephanos Stephanides (Cyprus)
Jüri Talvet (Estonia)
Hans Thill (Germany)
Annika Thor (Sweden)
Colm Toíbín (Ireland/ USA)
Olga Tokarczuk (Poland)
Jutta Treiber (Germany)
Krisztián Ungváry (Hungary)
Amir Valle (Cuba/ Germany)
Joachim Walther (Germany)
Suse Weisse (Germany)
Reinhard Weißhuhn (Germany)
Beate Wendenburg (Germany)
Robert Williams (UK)
Valérie Zenatti (France)
Serhiy Zhadan (Ukraine)
Schluss mit dem Massenmord in Aleppo!
Ungeheuerliches geschieht in Syrien.
Für seinen Traum von neuer imperialer Größe überzieht Präsident Putin die Stadt Aleppo mit einem mörderischen Bombenkrieg. Ganze Stadtteile liegen in Schutt und Asche, gezielt werden Krankenhäuser und Schulen bombardiert und die Lebensadern der Stadt blockiert. Für Putin und den Schlächter Assad sind Hunderttausende von Menschen, die noch im Ostteil Aleppos leben – Frauen, Kinder, Alte, Schwerverletzte und auch Rebellen, die einmal friedlich für mehr Freiheit und Demokratie in Syrien demonstrierten – nichts als Terroristen und Isis-Kämpfer. Ganz offen werden sie jetzt mit „Vernichtung“ bedroht, falls sie sich nicht fügen und die Stadt verlassen.Die Welt schaut entsetzt und tatenlos zu.
Friedensfreunde aller Fraktionen, wo bleibt ihr? Warum redet ihr nicht von Putins Schande? Wo ist die Linke, die den Pazifismus wie eine Monstranz vor sich herträgt und jeden Kriegseinsatz der NATO scharf verurteilt? Wie erträgt die AfD, die inzwischen ihr Herz für den „großen Führer“ Putin entdeckt hat, ihre Blindheit? Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit bleiben Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, auch wenn sie von russischer Seite begangen werden. Putins Vernichtungskrieg gegen Aleppo ist „lupenreiner“ Massenmord!
Bürger Europas! Tragt eure Empörung vor die russischen Botschaften, bevor Aleppo endgültig dem Erdboden gleichgemacht ist.
Kundgebung: Schluss mit dem Massenmord in Aleppo!
Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2016, 13 Uhr, Russische Botschaft, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlin
أوقفوا المجازر في حلب!ما يحدث في سوريا مريع.من أجل أحلامه ببعث إمبراطورية جديدة يشن الرئيس الروسي بوتين حرب إبادة على مدينة حلب. لقد دُمرت أحياء كاملة في المدينة وتحولت ركاماً، كما يتم قصف المستشفيات والمدارس عن قصد ويتم قطع أوصال المدينة لمحاصرتها. يَعتبر بوتين والسفاح الأسد مئات الآلاف من البشر القاطنين في شرق حلب مجرد إرهابيين ومقاتلي داعش – علماً أن بينهم نساء وأطفالاً ومسنين وجرحى وأيضاً ثواراً كانوا في يوم ما يتظاهرون بشكل سلمي من أجل الحرية والديمقراطية في سوريا. يهدد كل هؤلاء بالـ"إبادة" صراحةً إن لم يرضخوا ويغادروا المدينة.العالم يتفرج بذعر، مكتوف اليدين. يا أصدقاء السلام من مختلف الاتجاهات، أين أنتم؟ لماذا لا تتحدثون عن عار بوتين؟ أين اليسار الذي طالما دعى للسلام وأدان كل مهمة عسكرية يقوم بها حلف الناتو؟ وكيف يبرر حزب "البديل لألمانيا" تجاهله، وهو يعبر عن إعجابه بـ"الزعيم الكبير" بوتين؟ الجرائم ضد الإنسانية تبقى جرائم ضد الإنسانية، حتى لو ارتكبتها روسيا. حرب الإبادة التي يشنها بوتين ضد حلب ليست إلا قتلاَ جماعياً!يا مواطني أوروبا! عبروا عن استنكاركم أمام السفارات الروسية قبل أن تُسوَّى حلب بالأرض كلياً.وقفة احتجاجية ضد القتل الجماعي في حلبالأربعاء، 7 ديسمبر 2016، الساعة
واحدة ظهراً أمام السفارة الروسية في برلين
Stop the Mass Killing in Aleppo!
The horror continues in Syria.
To fulfill his dream of imperial greatness, President Putin has unleashed a murderous, all-out assault on the city of Aleppo. Having already razed entire districts to the ground, hospitals and schools are being deliberately targeted and the city’s lifelines destroyed. For Putin and Assad the Butcher, the hundreds of thousands of people still living in the eastern part of Aleppo – women, children, older people and rebels, some badly wounded – human beings who demonstrated peacefully for freedom and democracy in Syria, are nothing more than terrorists and ISIS militants. Now they are being openly threatened with »extermination« if they refuse to leave the city.
The world stands on the sidelines, watches in horror – and does nothing. All the politicians who campaigned for peace, where are you now? Why are you silent on Putin’s shameful actions? Where are all the left-wing parties now, who advocated passionately for pacifism, holding it up for all to see like a monstrance, and who severely condemned every NATO military intervention? How can the AfD, recently avowed admirers of »Great Leader« Putin, continue to look the other way? Crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity – even when perpetrated by the Russian government. Putin’s war of annihilation in Aleppo is outright mass murder!
Citizens of Europe! Before what is left of Aleppo is completely razed to the ground, show your outrage by joining us outside the Russian Embassy in Berlin, or by demonstrating outside the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your city of residence
Public Protest: Stop the Mass Killing in Aleppo!
Wednesday, 7 December 2016, 13:00, Russian Embassy, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlin
Halte au massacre d'Alep!
Pour assouvir son rêve de grandeur impériale, le président Poutine a lancé un assaut meurtrier sur la ville d'Alep. Des quartiers entiers ont été rasés, des hôpitaux et des écoles sont délibérément visés et les artères de la ville sont détruites. Pour Poutine et Assad le boucher, les centaines de milliers de personnes vivant encore dans la partie est de la ville : femmes, enfants, personnes âgées et rebelles, parmi lesquels des blessés graves, tous les manifestants pacifiques pour la démocratie et la liberté en Syrie, ne sont rien que des terroristes et militants de l'état islamique à leurs yeux. Aujourd'hui ils sont menacés "d'extermination" s'ils refusent de quitter la ville.Le monde entier se tient sur la touche, observe avec horreur - et ne fait rien. Aux politiciens qui ont fait des campagnes pour la paix, où êtes vous aujourd'hui? Pourquoi gardez-vous le silence sur les crimes éhontés de Poutine? Où sont les partis de gauche qui ont prôné le pacifisme avec passion, l'érigeant comme un ostensoir, et qui ont condamné chaque intervention militaire de l'OTAN? Comment l'AfD, désormais en admiration devant "le grand dirigeant" Poutine, peut continuer de détourner le regard? Les crimes contre l'humanité restent des crimes contre l'humanité, même lorsqu'ils sont commis par le gouvernement Russe. La guerre d'annihilation de Pourine à Alep est un massacre de masse!
Citoyens d'Europe! Avant que ce qui reste d'Alep ne soit entièrement rasé, montrez votre indignation en nous rejoignant devant l'ambassade de Russie de Berlin, ou en manifestant devant l'ambassade Russe ou le consulat de votre ville de résidence.
Manifestation publique: Halte au massacre d'Alep!
Mercredi 7 Decembre 2016, 13:00, Ambassade de Russie, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlin
Прекратить массовое убийство в Алеппо!
В Сирии творится чудовищное преступление.
Ради осуществления своей мечты о новом имперском господстве президент Путин подвергает город Алеппо массовым бомбардировкам. Целые кварталы превращены в пепелище, бомбы целенаправленно сбрасываются на больницы и школы, на магистрали, обеспечивающие жизнь города. В глазах Путина и палача Ассада сотни тысяч людей, до сих пор живущие в восточной части Алеппо, ─ женщины, дети, старики, тяжелораненые и повстанцы, когда-то вышедшие на мирные демонстрации за свободу и демократию в Сирии, ─представляют собой террористов и боевиков ИГИЛ. Сейчас им открыто угрожают «уничтожением», если они не подчинятся и не покинут город.
Мир с ужасом следит за происходящим, ничего не предпринимая. Где вы, сторонники мира от всех политических партий? Почему молчите о позорных действиях Путина?
Где Левая партия, die Linke, несущая перед собой, как святыню, лозунги пацифизма и резко критикующаялюбую военную операцию НАТО? Как мирится со своей слепотой Альтернатива для Германии, AfD, успевшая полюбить «великого вождя» Путина? Преступления против человечности остаются преступлениями против человечности, в том числе если их совершает российская сторона. Объявленная Путиным война на уничтожениеАлеппо есть не что иное, как массовое убийство!
Граждане Европы! Придите к российским посольствам для выражения своего возмущения, прежде чем Алеппо исчезнет с лица земли.
Демонстрация под лозунгом: Прекратить массовое убийство в Алеппо!
В среду, 7 декабря 2016 года, 13.00, Посольство России, Унтер ден Линден 63-65, 10017 Берлин.
Basta! Basta con la aniquilación de la gente en Aleppo, con el asesinato en masa!
Acontecimientos inimaginables y terribles tienen lugar en Siria.
Para cumplir con su sueño de nueva importancia imperial, el presidente Putin llena la ciudad de Aleppo con un bombardeo infernal y cotidiano. Barrios enteros están reducidos a escombros y hasta hospitales y escuelas son atacados conscientemente, todas las arterias vitales de la ciudad están bloqueadas. Para Putin y el carnicero Assad cientos de miles de personas que todavía sobreviven en la parte este de Aleppo –mujeres, niños, viejos, mutilados, heridos y también rebeldes, que hace un tiempo lucharon para más libertad y democracia en Siria – no son nada más que terroristas y guerrilleros. Abiertamente se les amenza con la “aniquilación”, si no se rinden y abandonan la ciudad.
El mundo observa todo esto con consternación y sin hacer nada. Amigos de la paz de todas las banderas, dónde estaís? Porqué no estaís hablando de la vergüenza de Putin? Dónde queda la protesta de la izquierda, que suelle llevar el pacifismo como si fuera un custodia delante suyo y critíca severamente cada actuación de la OTAN en territorios bélicos? Cómo sobrelleva la AfD, que entre tanto ha descubierto su empatía por el “gran leader” Putín, esta ceguera incomprensible? Crímenes contra la humanidad quedan siempre crímines contra la humanidad, también si son cometidos por parte rusa. La guerra de exterminación contra Aleppo es simple- y llanamento un asesinato en masa.
Ciudadones de Europa! Llevád vuestra indignación delante de las Embajadas de Rusia, antes de que Aleppo quede reducida a puras cenizas, a la nada.
Manifestación: Basta con el asesinato en masa en Aleppo! Cerrado miércoles, 7 de diciembre de, 2016, 13:00 Embajada de Rusia, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10017 Berlín
This appeal is signed by:
Gémino H. Abad (Philippines)
Omar Akbar (Germany)
Dietlind Antretter (Austria/ Switzerland)
Anne Applebaum (USA/ Poland)
Chloe Aridjis (USA)
Isabelle Azoulay (Germany)
Fadhil al-Azzawi (Iraq/ Germany)
Lascha Bakradse (Georgia)
Jürgen Banscherus (Germany)
Andrés Barba (Spain)
María Cecilia Barbetta (Argentinia/ Germany)
Priya Basil (UK / Germany)
Stefania Battistella (Italy)
Azouz Begag (France)
Yahia Belaskri (Algeria)
Gaston Bellemare (Canada)
Pamela Biermann (Germany)
Wolf Bierman (Germany)
Manfred Bissinger (Germany)
Marianne Birthler (Germany)
Marica Bodrožić (Germany)
Mirko Bonné (Germany)
Anneke Brassinga (Netherlands)
Hans Christoph Buch (Germany)
Mircea Cartarescu (Romania)
Patrizia Cavalli (Italy)
Patrick Chamoiseau (France)
Amir Hassan Cheheltan (Iran)
Detlev Claussen (Germany)
Joshua Cohen (USA)
Dany Cohn-Bendit (France/ Germany)
Beppe Costa (Italy)
Friedrich Christian Delius (Germany)
Lidija Dimkovska (Macedonia)
Adriaan van Dis (Netherlands)
Jörn Donner (Finland/ Sweden)
Thea Dorn (Germany)
György Dragomán (Hungary)
Tanja Dückers (Germany)
Regina Dyck (Germany)
Reimer Boy Eilers (Germany)
Mathias Énard (France)
Fahimeh Farsaie (Iran/ Germany)
Emad Fouad (Egypt)
Maria Frisé (Germany)
Jan Groh (Germany)
Ulrike Guérot (Germany)
Christoph Hein (Germany)
Finn-Ole Heinrich (Germany)
Sverre Henmo (Norway)
Wolfgang Hermann (Austria)
Ava Herterich (Germany)
Frank Herterich (Germany)
Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit (Germany)
Edward Hirsch (USA)
Ala Hlehel (Israel)
Isabell Hoffmann (Germany)
David Howard (New Zealand)
Stanka Hrastelj (Slovenia)
Iman Humaydan (Lebanon/ France)
Elfriede Jelinek (Austria)
Louis Jensen (Denmark)
Ha Jin (China/ USA)
Gail Jones (Australia)
Peter Stephan Jungk (Austria/ France)
Manju Kapur (India)
Sema Kaygusuz (Turkey)
Yasmina Khadra (Algeria/ France)
Norman Klein (Germany)
Reinhard Kleist (Germany)
Sibylle Knauss (Germany)
Laszlo Kornitzer (Hungary/ Germany)
Hasso Krull (Estonia)
Olaf Kühl (Germany)
Andrej Kurkov (Ukraine)
Thomas Lehr (Germany)
Jürgen Lodemann, Germany
Dea Loher (Germany)
Liv Lundberg (Norway)
Andrea Lundgren (Sweden)
Ian McEwan (UK)
Eva Menasse (Austria/ Germany)
Horst Mergener (Germany)
Harry Merkle (Germany)
Amanda Michalopoulou (Greece)
Hala Mohammad (Syria/ France)
Reinhard Mohr (Germany)
Herta Müller (Romania/ Germany)
Birgit Müller-Wieland (Germany)
Kiran Nagarkar (India)
Mustafa Nayyem (Ukraine)
Bahman Nirumand (Iran/ Germany)
Bernard Noël (France)
Michael Naumann (Germany)
Martin Pollack (Austria)
Gerd Poppe (Germany)
Katharina Raabe (Germany)
Ahmed Rashid (Pakistan/ UK)
Eva Reich (Germany)
Jens Reich (Germany)
Michael Rohrwasser (Austria)
Göran Rosenberg (Sweden)
Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland)
Hans Rupprecht (Switzerland)
Hazem Saghieh (UK)
Boualem Sansal (Algeria)
Joachim Sartorius (Germany)
Rati Saxena (India)
Karl Schlögel (Germany)
Volker Schlöndorff (Germany)
Peter Schneider (Germany)
Ulrich Schreiber (Germany)
Christa Schuenke (Germany)
Hermann Schulz (Germany)
Werner Schulz (Germany)
Hannes Schwenger (Germany)
Taye Selasi (USA/ Germany)
Isabell Serauky (Germany)
Owen Sheers (UK)
Mikhael Shishkin (Russia/ Switzerland)
Rajvinder Singh (India/ Germany)
Ostap Slyvynsky (Ukraine)
Tilman Spengler (Germany)
Kanta T. Stanchina (UK)
Stephanos Stephanides (Cyprus)
Jüri Talvet (Estonia)
Hans Thill (Germany)
Annika Thor (Sweden)
Colm Toíbín (Ireland/ USA)
Olga Tokarczuk (Poland)
Jutta Treiber (Germany)
Krisztián Ungváry (Hungary)
Amir Valle (Cuba/ Germany)
Joachim Walther (Germany)
Suse Weisse (Germany)
Reinhard Weißhuhn (Germany)
Beate Wendenburg (Germany)
Robert Williams (UK)
Valérie Zenatti (France)
Serhiy Zhadan (Ukraine)